Saturday, July 17, 2010


Supralapsarianism - According to what I understand as of this moment is that it means (Supra) "before or above" (Lapsa) "the fall" and it states that God first decreed the Cross, then secondly He decreed to elect certain individuals, and thirdly He decreed to permit the Fall. The whole point of creation was to bring glory and honor to God. God creates man so that man may glorify and enjoy God forever.
Man chose freely to disregard or to rebel against God in disobedience thus permitting the Fall of Humanity. Genesis 3.
Accordingly all of History points directly towards the Christ event. Thus as history progresses from the fall, as we read from the Old Testament, it anticipates the coming of Christ as the supreme Sacrifice to come, which ultimately shows the Glory of God in his righteousness and his mercy.
Now According to Romans 9, where Paul ask the question why are the Jews living in disobedience, for it was they who had all of the things that pertained to Salvation. Pauls answer is that 1. Just because one is born an Isrealite does not make them an Isrealite. For it is not the ethnic who are Isreal. "This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring" Verse 8. Pauls second answer is that this was to promote or ensure God's purpose of election, it was for God's own glory. "Though they (Esau and Jacob) were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad—in order that God’s purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls— she was told, "The older will serve the younger." As it is written, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated" verses 11-13.
Now the ultimate point I want to make is that elect are the people who are loved by God and the repobate are the people who are hated by God. Just to be sure no one knows who are the elect and who are the reprobate and thus as those who profess faith in the Son - Jesus Christ - by the working of the Holy Spirit there is the need to go out and do evangelism. To put clear IF one is the elect, and yet does not come to faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, THEN he was never part of the elect.

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