Thursday, November 25, 2010

True Utopia

The Humanist people are always thinking this life is all that one has. Their belief is that if they may cause a sort of fake happiness to one, then things will be better. They look to build themselves an utopia that will only actually occur with Christ. Although, Christ is reigning now, sovereignly, Sin and evil are still here. It is not till Christ fully destroys these things and holiness prevails over the spiritual devils and the unregenerate men who are denying Christ till the end are finally thrown into the fiery lake, recieving God's just wrath.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Atonement of Christ alone

One may say that they do not care how they are saved, but just that they are saved. However, it does matter to God how one may be saved.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Limited Atonement and its purpose

Ephesians 5:25-27

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless."

First Paul makes the statement for the husband to love his wife on the basis that Christ loved His Church. Throughout the Scriptures the Church is frequently called the Bride of Christ. It is intresting to note that Christ died not for all people around the globe, i.e. the reprobate, but he died for His Church, those who are part of His Corporate Communion. The atonement was not just an act that was not purposeful, it was purposeful - which these verses say the purpose. Christ died for the Church. This brings meaning and also makes the death of Christ more personalized. It is not that Christ died in hopes to save everyone. Sort of like how if I opened a door just sitting waiting for all to come with hope (wishful thinking). So not only does Christ death carry purpose, but it is personalized. He didn't just die hoping for people to come to him, no He died for me and for His elect.

The Purpose for Christ dying for His Church is to make her Holy which is seen the next verse which is also to bring about glorification - in other words, "to present her to himself as a radiant Church..."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Church function and Polity

When the Church of Christ makes it's end goal anything else than Christ Alone, then the Church becomes detrimental to the health of those around her. Particular speaking in my life there were times when I have became so depressed and emotional to where I could not control myself. It got to the point where I would call several of my friends for several times a day and for hours. By these actions of mine, I got the consequence of them just shunning me away. It was, looking back it now, as if their end goal was to reach perfection in relationships rather than in Christ. They wanted to become perfect in dealing with others and making others perfect as well in dealing with themselves and others that they would not deal with anyone with problems. Their moto was if you do this to change then perhaps they will call or ask to see you more.
The problem with this was it was detrimental to the my spiritual health and to my health in general. I currently praise God for good friends now and I pray I may not trample over the grace that is shown not only in the good friends who are seeking Christ, but also in Christ as well. Praise God, Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What is Humility and Pride?

Humility is not acting to ones rights. Example Jesus Christ - Philippians 2:5-11

Pride is acting to ones rights. Example King David - 2 Samuel 11

Friday, November 12, 2010

The general/limited atonement theory

There is a group that agrees with most of the points of Calvinism, however they do not agree with the extent of the atonement, which reformed people agree with. I am planning informing you what they believe.

First they agree with all 4 other points of the Doctrines of grace.

Second they hold that although God's salvation is only bought by His Election and His Irresistable grace toward the dead sinner, Christ death is effected for those whom it is intended to save, but sufficient for the whole world.

The question is what does that mean?

It means that the death of Christ was not intended to be limited at all, but instead it was never suppose to be set to a particular value.

My response to this is if one reasons that the reason for the Cross - which is to show God's glory,
and if one also reasons that God also Elects people unconditionally before the foundations of the world and then sees that the Grace of God is effaciously irresistable, then it should show already that the Cross was limited. For why would God die for the sins of the people he was not going to propitiate His wrath towards in the first place?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It is because God is love that He hates sin. Sin is hatred towards God and God hates sin. Because God is love and God is righteous, His character cannot befriend sin.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Purpose to be Joyful

David Crowders lyrics to a song Make a Joyful noise to the Lord is a good song and something that the redeemed people in Christ ought to reflect and think upon for if you are in Christ then you have tons of things to be rejoicful for. For it is in Christ and in Him alone that sins are departed and righteousness is imputed and we may live for God and His glory. This reminds me a bit about Romans 1:16-17, which the purpose is that the gospel is the power of God unto Salvation. God intends for the gospel to be the 'tool' that brings His elect people into the community of the people of God (once I was not of a people, but now I am). However, this gospel is to be taught and spoken to all people to the Jews first and then to the Greeks (not drawing an emphasis on the people, but rather drawing the fact that the Jews had the things pertaining to salvation, however their hearts were harden by God's good pleasure to bring in the gentiles who were also known as Greeks or the barbarians). In the gospel God's righteousness is revealed (not just his being righteous, but also the fact that believers are counted as righteous by the imputated works of Christ perfect obedience) for faith and by faith (the totallity of this gospel is by faith alone. One is justified not by works but by faith one believes and repents and so as Paul finishes out this small section, "the righteous shall live by faith."

Make a joyful noise to the Lord
All the earth
Make a joyful noise to the Lord
All the earth

The flowers of the field
Are cry'n to be heard
The trees of the forest
Are singing
And all of the mountains
With one voice
Are joining the chorus of this world

And I will not be silent
I will not be quiet anymore

Running through the forest
Dive into the lake
Bare feet on beaches white
Standing in the canyon
Painted hills around
The wind against my skin
Every ocean
Every sea
Every river
Every stream
Every mountain
Every tree
Every blade of grass will sing