Saturday, January 1, 2011

First few Chapters of Romans. Chapters 1 and 2 (Not completed yet)

Paul wrote the letter to the Romans, in A.D. 57. His purpose in doing so was to seek cooperation of the Romans for his projected mission to Spain as suggested by chapter 15:24; 28. It is to my knowledge and understanding, though you may find other well knowledgeable and scholarly sources that differ – like Schriener, that Paul wrote his theological letter so that the Roman church would help. The theme of this letter is righteousness by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone (Romans 1:16-17)

Romans 1:1-7 Paul says that he was called not on the basis of works but on the free grace of God in order to do ministry or for the gospel sake. Verse 1 Paul is a servant for the gospel. 2-4 speaks about this gospel. Verse 2 tells us that God planned this gospel through the prophets (1 Peter 1:10), which shows that this is not something random, or without purpose. Verse 3 says that the subject of the gospel is Jesus Christ. And finally verse 4 says that he was declared by the Spirit to be the Son of God and was resurrected. He says that he has received grace in verses 5 and 6 for his apostleship and His goal is to bring about as John Piper says, obedience that comes from faith that is by grace all for his glory or namesake. Verse 6 I have chosen to put verse 6 together with verse 5 because it is saying amongst them or including them the gentiles in Rome. Finally Paul closes by blessing them. First of all he says those who are loved by God, receive grace (empowerment) and peace (with God) from God the Father and from God the Son, no one else.

-How does one earn grace? (Can’t it is a free gift from God)

-How should you live then, what is the purpose of grace? (Humility) Have you ever received a gift from someone (?) you did not expect? (If yes) What was your response or reaction? (Gratitude, thankfulness, humbleness) (1 Corinthians 4:6-7)

-For what purpose is all of this? (For God’s glory)

Romans 1:8-15 Paul says in verses 8 that he thanks God through Christ, because of their faith, which is known to all the church Paul has planted is known. In verses 9-10, Paul says that he prays in order to visit them in Rome. The reason is found in verse 11, because he longs to see them, in order to be mutually built up in the faith 11b-12. In verse 13-15 Paul wants to preach the gospel to everyone. Verse 13, the reason for his visit is so that he may reap a harvest amongst them and also the other gentiles, because of his apostleship received by grace or empowered by grace he is obligated to share the gospel to both the wise and the foolish.

-What is your goal or purpose in life? (is it to glorify the God of the salvation you profess to have?)

-How should you relate in your relationships with one another (with those who are saved and those who are not saved)?

Romans 1:16-17 Paul gives the reason why he yearns to preach the gospel from verse 15 in verse 16-17. He says that the gospel is the empowerment to save for it is the righteousness of God from faith in Christ and not of ones works. (John 3:16, Romans 10:1-4)

1:16-17 How does the gospel save sinners? (it saves by Christ sacrificial death on the cross for the payment of your and mine sins so that you and I may by faith receive the righteousness that is from God by grace).

But why faith?

What is faith – trust in God, believes him at who he is and what he promises, and obeys Him, but faith also knows God. Jeremiah 9:24, John 17:3, Hebrews 11:1

By faith we know God intimately (through prayer and reading of his word) and so by knowing God we know ourselves and our need for a saviour. So by faith we trust in God that he will do what He will promise and so by faith we also obey.

Romans 1:18-23 Paul speaking of the gentiles says all men have no excuse against the wrath of God even those who are without truth. In verse 18 he says God’s wrath is revealed against all godliness of men who supress the truth. Verses 19 and 20 give the reason why they are without excuse. Verse 19 says God has plaining revealed himself, because it is he who has shown it to them. Verse 20 further states the conclusion and explaination in much detail about how God has revealed himself. Verses 21-23 state the reason for their distructiveness. 21 they knew God, they knew their sins were wrong, but they did not honor Him as God, and their thinking and their hearts became darkened. Verse 23 says they started worshiping the created beings rather than the creator.

God acted, he made it evident to them. All the men and the women know God verse 21 yet their knowledge of him is disorted or supressed. Everybody supresses the truth and therefore they do not glorify God or thank Him. Therefore they are without excuse.

-Do you think this is true? (say one of your friends (making it personal) is on a desert island and all they had was two trees and the ocean surrounding them, now they know that there is somehow a god, but they do not know who he is or what he is like. They have never heard of the gospel. Based upon your friends limited knowledge will God save them?)

-Do you ache and long for the lost to come to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?

Romans 1:24-25 Paul says that because of this God gives them over to their own evil desires and so their sexual conduct became impure.

Romans 1:26-27 Paul says that the men and women went even further in their sexual misconduct. 26 says that God gave them up to the actions or their desires or passions that were dishonorable to God. The reason how this is shown is first of all through their women. Verse 27 speaks of the men who were inflamed with evil desires as that of the women.

Romans 1:28-32 Paul says that God gave them up even further and so men (and woman) became evil in all of their actions. Verse 29 –31 speak of the nature and conduct of their own debased minds and actions. Verse 32 simply says that they not only desire to do these things, but they praise and approve of others who do them as well.

- Is God just in judging men?

- The most rebrobate sinner carries about within him a knowledge of his just exposure to the wrath of God. Are you doing and endorsing godly things (things that pleases God)?

John Piper uses an illustration of the adult magazine company who not only loves it’s sin, but also endorses and approves of those who do it.

- What if you professing to be a Christian (one who trust in Christ for righteousness before God and enjoys Christ with your whole heart and soul and mind and power and lives for his glorious passions) start to live out your Christian life in such a way and pray before them and on their behalf that makes other also long to enjoy God in Jesus Christ and so that God by his grace and mercy he might save them?

So Paul just got finishing telling us that his apostleship is based on God’s powerful grace for the preaching of the Gospel to the Greek and the Jews. Then he informs us that the Gentiles commit evil acts and are condemned.

Romans 2:1-5 Paul says that the Jews who practice the same things will not escape God’s wrath for any reason. In verse 1 Paul tells us the reason why the Jews are without excuse, for they who judge the gentiles also commit the same things. Verse 2 tells us that God’s judgement is in accordance to the truth with those who practice such things. Verses 3-4 Tells us what the Jews are doing. In verse 3, the Jews continued the action that is found in verse 1. Schriener says that they were self-decieved. Verse 4 Paul says that they scorned the kindness of God. Verse 5 closes by saying that it is because of their hardness of heart that they are storing up wrath for themselves on judgment day.

Romans 2:6-11 Paul now exclaims that God shows no partiality in His judgements. Verse 6 gives off a reason for verse 5 and starts off the section. 7 – 10 gives us the explaination of verse 6. 7 starts off with those who do good works will be granted eternal life. 8 gives us the contrast that those who persist in unrighteousness will face God’s wrath. According to verse 9 the person who does evil will have tribulation and distress, while the person who does good will experience glory and honor and peace (10). Verse 11 gives us the reason for verse 6. Because there is no partiality with God, God will repay each person according to his or her works.

- God shows no partiality in His judgements, Can someone be saved by doing good deeds?

Romans 2:12-16 Paul continues and says that God will judge both the Jews who have the Law by the Law and the Gentiles without the law with the law on their hearts. Verse 13 gives the reason clause for 12 and simply says that it is the doers of the law who will be justified. Verse 14 gives a reason clause for verse 13b, it says although the Gentiles do not have the law and yet do by nature occasionally what the law demands they become the law. Thus (15) they have the law written on their hearts. Since also they have the law written on their hearts they feel badly for not obeying the norms moral value. Verse 16 indicates the extent of God’s judgement, He will judge the secrets of man’s hearts and thus it is not mere possession of the law nor occasioned obedience that will save man.

- Have you ever thought that because you were close to your father that when mother was mad at you that you could run to him?

- What does this text say about Jesus? What does it say about man?

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