Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Knowledge of God and His Sovereignty and All-sufficiency

Often the knowledge of God is miscontrued in the form of how a creature thinks. As the creature thinks of something outside of itself onto the action to follow so to God's knowledge is often considered as Him having to rely on something outside of Himself. This is often confused as God's 'foreknowledge' in which the philosopher would say that God looks into the future and therefore knows what will happen and thus decrees the outcome of the event. However with God He simply knows the event, not because He looked into the future and so by that determined the event to occur. This has been coined by James R. White as the passive knowledge of God (or something like that). Reformed Dogmatics however presents the issue the other way around, rather than saying that God is ever contingent upon something outside of Himself - God is in fact all sufficient in His sovereignty, and in His power, and knowledge. He is the eternal active God who is never not active as a dumb idol - this is the related idea of the truth that All of God's works within Himself is the basis for His works outside of Himself. As Herman Hoeksema says, "With man one may distinguish between the part of his knowledge that at a given moment is actually before his consciousness and the other part that remains below the threshold of his conscious mind. But with God there is no such distinction. There is no subconsciousness in him. With respect to his knowledge, he is pure activity. Nor is there nay time element in God's knowledge. Man reasons from premises to a conclusion, but with God all premises and conclusions are eternally before his divine mind in their proper logical relation. Thus the knowledge of God is self-existent and independent. He  does not derive knowledge from the things that are , but instead knows all things in their very essence and all their relations from himself." With this said, His knowledge is has been distinguished between two types one is Natural knowledge which is the knowledge God has with Himself - this is the knowledge that seems to be what Scripture says all of God's works are known to Him, and then there is His free knowledge in which is based on His decree or counsel.

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