Friday, December 27, 2013

The Arminian has no Assurance by Gordon H. Clark

"Once I had a very friendly conversation with a college professor who was strongly Arminian, I remarked that one difference between Calvinism and Arminianism was that the latter denied the possibility of assurance. 'Not so,' he replied, 'I'm right now completely assured of my salvation. If I should die this moment, I know I would go to heaven. Of course,' he continued, 'if I should live until tomorrow or next week, I do not know whether I shall be saved or not.' This raises the question of the value of assurance. Assurance of salvation does not mean that you will get to Heaven. Assurance that a good restaurant serves good food does not guarantee that it serves good food." - Gordon Clark

"This is an assurance that many popular evangelists do not have themselves and cannot promise to their hearers. Yes, they insist on assurance, but it is not the assurance that the Bible teaches. These evangelists, the ones I have in mind, are Arminians. They do not believe in the perseverance of the saints, or, as they call it, eternal security. They claim to be very sure that they are saved now; but they are not sure that they will be saved tomorrow or next week. If they die tonight, they will be in Heaven immediately. But if they should live a while longer, they might fall into sin, fall from grace, and then they would be eternally lost. But they are very sure just now... To be really saved, i.e., to get to Heaven, one must be born again over and over again. Their hope therefore is one that can easily disappoint. These preachers often talk quite a lot about the Holy Spirit; but they deny to the Spirit the power to give a man eternal life. By eternal I mean eternal; not a life that ends in the near future. Thus they do not have assurance; nor do they preach the Gospel, for the Gospel promises at least the possibility of assurance. It promises, not the mere possibility of eternal life; it promises eternal life." - Gordon Clark

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