Monday, January 20, 2014

Another Text from our Arminian friend

Although we could go on and on all day about the verses he uses for his critic of Calvinism. This one is particularly in warranted. Although, I do not know Greek and would need to learn more. Right now I would just like to Critic him on his logic.

He says,

"Given all of this, the common sense reading will assign the first subject with the first verb, and the second subject with the second verb. Therefore we would get this: “And as many who believed; the positioned in eternal life were.” Well, that doesn’t really make sense. However, with the verb ‘to be’ in the Greek, if the verb is being used to equate two things as the same, both words can be in the nominative form (i.e. the subject). Therefore it would read: “And as many who believed were those positioned in eternal life” or “And ones who believed were the ones that were set in eternal life”. This is really the best rendering."
So essential his view of Acts 13:48 is well pure Arminian theology, however, there is a logically problem even if I were to concede with his 'translation' the translation he gives still can be read in a Calvinistic understanding. And the ones who believed 'were' the ones that were set in eternal life. John 3:16 says this much. Nothing here really denies Reformed thought. John 3:16 says any believing one in him should not perish but have eternal life. The text is limited in nature already. Elsewhere in John we see why certain ones do not believe. Paul says this is because of Election in Romans 9 which comes before Romans 10.

Here is the Link to the guy:

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