Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Calvinist Non-Lordshiper are the one's who really do count the cost.

The funny thing is while the Lordshipers are touting their horns "count the cost" "it will cost you everything" those who really have lost everything for the sake of the gospel are those who are of the sovereign free grace of God camp.... Those who believe that salvation is by the effectual and accomplished death of Christ alone received by assent alone. As far as it goes friends I once considered friends no longer are friends with me. It isn't because I pushed them away. I try and attempt to keep up with some of them, but with no avail. I had one tell me the other day that I can be friends with him on Facebook at least if I didn't say anything or post anything on his wall. This same guy asked me if I had down syndrome or was molested as a child.

David Bishop says, "Had LS stopped at saying Christians should strive to bring every area of their life into logical alignment with the truth of the gospel, then I would not have had a problem with them. I would have said amen. But they didn't stop here. Instead they went on to say you're not even saved unless you're doing this, and you have no right to the assurance of your salvation unless you're doing this. Now, that's bad. Very, very bad, because it obliterates the cross of Christ alone as the only foundation of repentance from dead works. It substitutes the cross with my striving to bring my life into alignment with Christ's authority as the foundation of repentance from dead works"

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