Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Who can bring any charge against God's elect?

"Let us therefore learn to reply in a different manner to the aforesiad argument of Satan. You say, Satan, that God is perfectly righteous and the avenger of all iniquity. - I confess it; but I add another property of His righteousness which you have left aside: since He is righteous, He is satisfied with having been paid once. You say next that I have infinite iniquities which deserve eternal death. - I confess it; but I add what you have maliciously omitted: the iniquities which are in me have been very amply avenged and punished in Jesus Christ who has borne the judgement of God in my place (Rom 3:25; 1 Pet 2:24). That is why I come to a conclusion quite different from yours. Since God is righteous (Rom 3:26) and does not demand payment twice, since Jesus Christ, God and man (2 Cor 5:19), has satisfied by infinite obedience (Rom 5:19; Phil 2:8) the infinite majesty of God (Rom 8:33), it follows that my iniquities can no longer bring me to ruin (Col 2:14); they are already blotted out and washed out of my account by the blood of Jesus Christ who was made a curse for me (Gal 3:13), and who righteous, died for the unrighteous (1 Pet 2:24)." - Theodore Beza, The Christian Faith, Pg. 18

The Christian's assurance is not based on their works or worthiness of God's grace or acceptance. The Christian's assurance is based on the sole object of Faith alone which is Christ alone. By Christ alone we are justified and saved by His imputed righteousness alone.

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