Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1 Corinthians 1:18

"For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved it is the power of God."

The "For" in this verse is a preposition which explains verse 17.

The "word of the cross" is the gospel in this passage. Man is saved by faith for faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This "word of the cross" is folly. Which is a fact, not an exagerated statement. But to whom is it folly to? Those who are perishing. They are perishing now and will be in the last judgement day. I am reading these people as the reprobate of God. These people will never come to terms to goodness, and satisfaction of the gospel. They will continue to reject it by God's soveriegn and good will.

Now in this verse we get a transition with the preposition word "but." Which contrasts the last phrase of this verse "to those who are perishing."

"But" what Paul? "to those are being saved it is the power of God."

This again is speaking in the now sense. Those who are now believing will be saved. Salvation is not a past tense action. This part of the verse speaks of the the opposite of those who are the reprobate. It speaks of the Elect in Christ before the foundations of the world who are being saved. For they are the only ones who will see the goodness and satisfaction and joy of the gospel.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Theological Reasoning is the only way

As Theologians we do not say that Theology is seperate from reason. Indeed, theology is not dumb. But we do reject the other reasoning that is first removed from Scripture and is tried to be put together by those philosophers who call themselves also theological reasoners. For out of the mind comes things from man that God never said or wanted to say.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Desires of the Elect

The conversion of the elect from darkness to light produces by the regenerating work and the sancifying work of the Holy Spirit (Philippians 2:13) a longing to not only do good works (Philippians 2:12) for the glory of God alone (Eph. 2:10; Phil. 2:13) but actually do good works. That is as stated in verse thirteen, we are to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who is working in us to 1. will and 2. act in accordance to His good purpose" (numerical emphasis were added), which is His will that is good, perfect, and pleasing to Him (Romans 1:1-2). Also Romans 1:1-2 already says we must have our minds renewed from the old way (or the way of the flesh and not the way of the Spirit which is the prideful sinful manner of the old way) as Ephesians 2:1-3 describes the manner that the Christians were in as the world is currently in NOW. This purpose of Regeneration is so that we may discern God and who he is to us and who we are to Him with accordance to our sinful selves and our need to have Righteousness imputed to us from Christ Jesus (Romans 10:1-4)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

our new bondage

God in His infinite wisdom has ordained that His people, the redeemed, those who are by faith in Christ Jesus, become more and more like Him in Holiness. Therefore one should not say "if God elects then why do good for his will is done any way" but God's electing purposes is meant to cause and even stir us to do good by giving us hope, and a new nature that we might become more like Him, and a new family by which we call God 'Abba' (Father).
Romans 6:4; 1 Peter 1:1-20