Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Romans 1 and 2

In Romans 1:18 it says that God's wrath is revealed in heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness supresses the truth of God, which has been made plain to them because God reveals it to them... That which is made plain is of His Attribute and of His being, and of His divine Power. However, inspite of the Fact that God does not hide Himself to the creature, man because of his corruption of sin is at enmity against God by which even though God reveals Himself this light is suppress because of their hatred against God.

Romans 2:13-15 says that Everybody has this law. Now I am wanting to say this law is not an abstract thing that must be obeyed but it is God Himself. The ten Commandments and the summarization of the Ten Commandments say that man is a ethical being created by God to originally glorify God and enjoy Him Forever as their sole good and as He is truly worthy of such things for He is God and their creator. However, Adam rebelled against God and thus plummeting all of his posterity to total contempt. All men are idolaters by heart, mind, soul, and strength and all that they say and do proves this. Man by loving idols shows that they have the law written on his heart and thereby shows that he is without excuse.