Monday, August 22, 2011

Reprobation is not the cause of sin

"It is by no means clear that if Adam had not sinned no one would have been reprobated. It seems possible that even if Adam had not sinned, all his descendants would not necessarily have been made sinless and confirmed until the end. Rather they would have had the freedom to choose or accept good or evil.... Therefore, the sin of Adam is not the primary cause of reprobation, but rather, as said above, if Adam had not sinned, God would have ordained differently." - Bradwardine


Anonymous said...

The proper question to ask though, is whether it is even remotely possible for Adam not to sin. That is, is necessitarianism true.

I take the view that necessitarianism is true, thus, there is no possibility that Adam could have chosen to not sin even in the modality sense since God's foreknowledge is necessarily eternal.

Anonymous said...

The proper question to ask though, is whether it is even remotely possible for Adam not to sin. That is, is necessitarianism true.

I take the view that necessitarianism is true, thus, there is no possibility that Adam could have chosen to not sin even in the modality sense since God's foreknowledge is necessarily eternal.

Kirk said...

I believe in Absolute Predestination and so am also a necessitarian. The point of Bradwardine is to remove all conditions of reprobation. God would have ordained differently if it was the case that Adam did not sin. Of course Bradwardine was speaking to a different generation than ours...