Thursday, July 11, 2013

God the ultimate Cause of all things whether sin or good

During the times of scripture the people assumed a belief that all things were already controlled. For instance the reason why I had a headache this morning was not because it just happened that way but it goes far deeper than that there were forces yet unseen which caused such things to occur. For instance not only was my head hurting but further the situation with which my head ached was also the cause. But, not only this but going yet more deeper is the fact that my head was hurting not because of the circumstances at hand but also the spiritual forces which was fundamentally the cause of my headache. Either by the influences of the flesh or by the direct actions of the spirits themselves. I woke up w/ a headache because of the spiritual forces at hand. There is a reason for my headache. But still further these spiritual forces whether they be evil spirits sent from Satan or good spirits are ultimately from the direct and final cause of the ruler and sustainer of all things - the Triune God. Who not only commanded the spirits to do such but also had brought about the very necessary actions (if I am using the word correctly) who alone remains the primary or ultimate cause of it all by his sovereign active decree. Men I would say are either committing various actions for either sin or good reasons. Which in turn goes further back. Satan who entices the flesh sent by God or the Spirit of God who is working in them to bring about his good purposes.

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