Thursday, January 30, 2014

John Piper denies The Scripture alone

"Just because one claims sola scriptura does not mean they actually believe it. That should be the logical flow of thought with you Lordship guys." Why are you not consistent in your view of one's professing of having faith and in this matter of Piper saying he believes in Scripture alone? Is it not true that one who does not have WORKS or EMOTIONs in faith that he does not have faith? If that is the case then just because one professes Scripture alone does not actually mean that he believes it. Maybe because you cannot? Be consistent here please.

Regardless, perhaps maybe you think that desiring God is the ultimate thing? It is not. Perhaps, you think rather that an appeal to Scripture means that one is biblical it is not. Question: is man made up of emotions? I mean he is made up of Intellect and Will but is he made up of emotions as well? Perhaps maybe you think that an appeal to Intellect and Will and Emotions is not an issue. But this is an issue when you consider the fact that usually when emotions are added, it is the only real thing that is looked at. For example to say that there are three things that are involved in Man (Intellect and Will and Emotions) then means that a man may have both Intellect and Will, but if he does not have emotions then his intellect and will are really not real. Emotions are given a greater issue. He denies that Scripture alone is the basis of faith (Intellect and Assent) and says that one must also Desire God or be passionate about God. Regardless of whether a man may have emotions, Piper's view of the matter is that Emotions are the ultimate testing ground. One may have Intellect and Assent, but (as I said) unless he or she has a "real" desire for God he is not really a Christian. He also denies Scripture not just in the fact he claims Emotions, but also in the fact that as he said many of his views came from C.S. Lewis. Lewis was a big proponent not of doctrine or true doctrine, but of MERE CHRISTIANITY. Piper's views are anti-intellectualism. I apologies ahead of time you are fighting a losing battle here. Your famed Pastor is not a Scripturalist.
Or again when one says that Faith is not just Intellectual Assent to Biblical truths, but also something else need to be added (perhaps that something else is trust). It is the fact that that ultimately that something else diminishes the role of Intellect and Assent so that it is not enough to just believe the truths of Scripture but one must also actually trust it. Or as the famous analogy goes: It is not enough to merely believe in the Chair, one must also actually sit in the chair. This means that belief in the chair which stands for Christ Jesus is not enough one must also add works or trust to the occasion. Piper says essentially that Emotions are the real evidences of saving faith and not intellect or will. He moves beyond Scripture alone. If the Christian religion was emotions then there is no real Intellectual Assent to the Scriptures.
"We may note here that the complainants express themselves very carefully: 'the more recent theologians seem to agree in large measure.' But even so the complainants are in error. It is far nearer to the truth to state that Reformed theologians have generally speaking, been strongly opposed to the threefold distinction of intellect, will, and emotion, and have often expressed their fear of the danger of this distinction. The danger of this distinction, to which they usually pointed, is that the emotions in that case gradually assume a dominating and controlling position in the soul of man, and that according to this trichotomous psychology, such experiences as love and hatred, sorrow and joy . . . are relegated to the emotions or feelings. [Which] . . . would exactly be the deathblow to all true religion."
Remember one's ideas may come from Scripture, it does not mean that his ideas are actually scriptural. Satan indeed quoted Jesus many Scripture verses that said if he did this, then something else would happen.

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