Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Supralapsarian position entails Limited atonement

I have been considering and pondering such things and so would like to briefly write up a thought or two before I forget. But the thought is that the Supralpsarian position entails limited atonement. The atonement is limited only for those who were elected in Christ. The scheme that I like to follow is very simple but any scheme of it will work:

God decrees to elect and reprobate individuals from amongst the Jews and Gentiles in Christ, Then He decrees to create said elect people organically, Then He decrees to cause the Fall so that through the sin of Adam - Death, and guilt enter in, He decrees to Christ would atone for the sins of His elect alone, while also decreeing that the reprobate would be hardened and hence would fall into more and more sin to be condemned, and finally that the Spirit would apply the cross saving work to Church of God's elect in time.

But this is only Limited in that everything that pertains to salvation is done in consideration for the Elect alone.

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