Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Christian life is not a seamless robe of holiness

"In an absolute sense, the question, 'Are we' holy, can be answered only in the negative. One should ask, Am I increasing in holiness? Ryle of course is well aware of all this, but authors, like the present also slip into inexactitudes which can confuse careless readers. Ryle continues, 'A man may go to great lengths and yet never reach true holiness' (34). This form of expression seems to present holiness as a seamless robe, an all or nothing. Of course Ryle adds, 'A holy man will endeavor to shun every known sin.' He 'will strive to be like our Lord. . . . A holy man will follow after meekness. . . temperance . . . purity of heart . . .' (36, 37). Then he says explicitly, 'Sanctification is always a progressive work' (39). Perhaps I am overly critical of his previous inadequate phrases; but if so, it is because I have had contacts with alleged sinless perfectionists and some contemporary Pentecostalists." - Gordon H. Clark, What is the Christian Life?

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