Wednesday, January 20, 2016

On the Bible alone gives us Knowledge

"This book [Without a Prayer] is a defense of Christianity against one secular philosophy. The author hopes the reader will not stop with these pages, but will proceed to check his premises and the premises of other thinkers. To aid the inquiring reader, this writer has edited and published dozens of books on philosophy and Christianity - books discussing science, historiography, language, logic, psychology, ethics, epistemology, education, and ancient, medieval, contemporary philosophies. The conclusion of those discussions is that the axiom of revelation - the proposition 'The Bible alone is the Word of God' - contains the only solution to man's epistemological problem, for it provides truth - metaphysical, epistemological, theological, ethical, and political truth - that cannot be deduced from any non-Christian axiom. Propositional revelation avoids the insuperable difficulties encountered in any form of empiricism, Revelation is not a shortcut to knowledge, as though there were other, longer routes; the history of philosophy shows that propositional revelation is the only way to knowledge. All other routes are dead ends." -John W. Robbins, Without a Prayer, Pg. 219

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