Monday, August 15, 2016

My sin is ever before me but I am saved by Grace alone in Christ alone

The lordshiper says if you're sinning then it must mean you are not actually saved. But, why such drastic assumptions? Why is it not because the Lordshiper has not himself submitted fully to his damnable doctrine? Why not say rather that a Christian is one who knows that they are sinners and because of that they turn to Christ in hope for salvation? Thereby why not address it at the heart of the matter, a Christian, one who accepts the gospel alone for life and sustenance, still sins the same sins that the non-elect sin and yet the cause of such horrible things is for us not to trust in ourselves but rather to turn to Christ and rest in him by faith aloneMy goal is to live honorably before the Lord. This might seem strange coming from someone who holds to the five points of grace and who is not a lordshiper. But, in reality I know I am a sinner and that I sin continually even when I am not thinking of it at the time my sinful thoughts are always before me but I know that the gospel only relieves me of the condemnation that my sins deserve. I try to stay out of trouble and try to live rightly and at peace with all men in so far as I can. Sometimes it doesn't help and so I say after I fall "glad that is over!"

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