Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Gordon Clark on G.I. Williamson

"The present theological climate, however, is inimical to clear thinking. Intellectualism is in disgrace. Even such a conservative, orthodox theologian as G.I. Williamson, though he does not deny the section of the Confession just quoted, passes over the matter of deduction in one sentence. He then immediately tries to restrict its application by saying, 'The Mosiac Law, for example, is not expressed by way of abstract principles. Moses declared the law in terms of concrete instances.' This is ridiculous. The Ten Commandments do not include a single concrete case. They forbid all murder: They mention neither Cain nor Lamech. They condemn all adultery: They do not specify any single instance. They prohibit all theft: Rachel's particular example is missing. Of course, Williamson is not consistently opposed to deductive logic. He rather represents those conservative theologians who have not completely escaped the influence of contemporary irrationalism." - Gordon H. Clark, What is Saving Faith?, Pg. 83

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