Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Scripture alone and its suffciency

"I believe that the Bible is our supreme authority and that it is sufficient to equip us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). This means that every single issue in the Christian life is addressed in Scripture by precept, principle, or example. Music is no exception."

A few remarks on this is indeed helpful. By saying that the Scripture is our supreme authority he does not mean that Scripture is alone our authority. Indeed in past conversations with him he says that we are sanctified by other means but rather the Bible is our supreme tool of how we are sanctified. There is a pyramid scheme the Bible is on top, but there are a list of other things that can sanctify. I have a problem with this view of Scriptural authority.

Of course the issue being dealt with here is that there are certain musical styles that Scripture does discredit. Whether this person knows it or not Scripture does not discredit the how to. To say that one must look into the how to as well as the what is to say that ultimately the what and the form is both equally important. For example prayer. Gordon H. Clark uses this example. Scripture is primarily concerned with the What of faith and not the form of faith.

However, the issue I am not dealing with here is necessarily over the issue of Christian rap (some of it is wrong for it does not have a lyrically truthful doctrine. I personally do not always listen to it because my taste in music is not directed towards rap music - though the lyrics are good and I find it more consistent with scripture than other music).

Here is the Article: http://religiousaffections.org/articles/articles-on-culture/some-answers-to-questions-about-my-views-on-reformed-rap/

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