Sunday, April 12, 2015

God is sufficient in and of Himself

"God is a knowing God. He is not a cold, abstract power, but he is the absolute, perfectly self conscious, infinite being, who is in himself the implication of all perfections. When we say that he is a knowing God, we mean that he is the self-sufficient one even in his knowledge. He has no need of anyone, of any being outside of himself, to be a knowing God. He is not in need of an object of knowledge outside of his own infinite fullness. In himself he is subject and object of all knowledge. he is the perfect subject as well as the infinitely perfect object of his own knowledge. When we say that God is the principle of all knowledge of God, we mean thereby that in the deepest sense he is also the principle of all knowledge of him that is found in the creature." - Herman Hoeksema in Reformed Dogmatics

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