Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Spirit's work in Regeneration to Glorify God

"Inspiration was an act of the Spirit on a special group of people, enabling them to perform a task no others were permitted to do. There is another act of the Spirit which applies to a large group irrespective of their individual personalities. In fact, there are two. As such they can be discussed before itemizing more particular examples. The first of these is regeneration. At the beginning of Kuyper's gigantic volume, he takes pains to say that the chief purpose of the Spirit is not to regenerate sinners, but to glorify God. 'The chief thing is not that the elect be fully saved, but that God be justified in all His works . . .' (p. 9). Undoubtedly this is so; but anyone whether the Spirit or a human being, or even an animal, can glorify God in several ways. For that matter the inanimate planets and the sands of the sea glorify God. Hence what attracts our attention now is not so much the Spirit's ultimate purpose as it is one chosen activity for accomplishing it." - Gordon H. Clark, The Holy Spirit, Pg. 31

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