Friday, September 2, 2016

Christ's ethics based on the Ten Commandments

The ethics of Jesus is based on the ten commandments. These commandments were broken all the time by the religious leaders of his day. No doubt they are in fact broken by all mankind everywhere, but the religious leaders had a pertinent zeal for God's word that said "because I don't do x, y, and z, I have favour with God." These men, as long as they didn't commit murder or adultery were assured of their heavenly state; so to not break the law they placed around about it certain institutions to keep from having to break them. Of course, Jesus calls them whitewashed tombs. Outside they look clean but inside they were far from it. Today, we might see this very same thing in the world and amongst the professing Christian Institutes. As long as they don't do x, y, and z they are fine. Perhaps they have a certain positive change as well. They even perhaps give on occasion. But, these men have missed it as the proverbial horse and cart goes. Instead, Jesus says even if you lusted in your mind you have committed adultery. Even if you hated someone in your mind you have committed murder. Many false churches further teach some sort of rule as long as you desire to do x, y, and z you're fine. But these churches seem to have missed the point of the law. The law commands what is supposed to be done and what is not to be done. We are commanded not to worship idols but to worship God alone. What is commanded is both in the negative and positive light. So desiring to do x has no bearing at all. Sin is law breaking. All have sinned and have fallen short of God's glory, therefore the only hope for salvation is found in Christ work on the cross alone on behalf of his chosen sheep alone.

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